Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Flash cards for quiz credit!

Make and hold on to fifteen flash cards for the following phrases/verbs:

durch die Tür - through the door
für die Leute - for the people
gegen den Krieg - against the war
ohne die Liebe - without (the) love
um die Ecke - on/around the corner

aus dem Fenster - out the window
außer der Gruppe - outside the group
bei der Arbeit - at (the) work
mit den Freunden - with the friends
nach dem Spiel - after the game
seit einem Jahr - since a year (ago)
von dem Zoo - from the zoo
zu der Schule - to the school

SEIN - to be

HABEN - to have


  1. Hey Mr. Bougis It's Ben. This Website Is Really Helpful And Thanks For All The Help!......P.S. I Should Get Extra Credit For This!....Or Cake Points!

  2. Hey Mr Bougis, I am glad I found this website. I am putting it in my favorites.


Anonymous comments are okay (for now), but please at least say which class of mine you have. Muchas gracias and vielen Dank!